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Expert Radon Testing in Cleveland

Before you buy a new property, it’s essential to know about any potential risks. One of the most important is radon, a naturally-occurring gas that tends to accumulate in buildings. If left without a solution, this concentration of radon poses a threat to your health. At Signature Home Inspection, we give you the helping hand you need to protect yourself and your bottom line.

With our radon testing in Cleveland, you can avoid expensive treatments after your purchase. In many cases, the seller may not even be aware of the problem. We make sure that you get the full picture using the latest monitoring equipment and a thorough approach to our evaluations. Once we’ve completed our test, we explain the results without jargon, so that you can make the best decision about the transaction.

How It Works

The average home inspection only takes 2-3 hours, but checking radon levels requires a bit more time. Because an accurate test needs about 48 hours to provide average readings, we generally place our monitors about that far in advance of your inspection. That way, we can deliver our complete assessment in one day. Find out if your potential purchase needs radon mitigation by scheduling an inspection with us any time you buy a new home.

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